Saturday, November 22, 2014

RED Personalities:

Reds pursue life with courage and passion.  Physical and sexual expression is important to them. They enjoy being on the planet and interacting with the physical environment.  They prefer a physical challenge rather than a mental or emotional one.  They are very down to earth and want to make things happen.  They are curious and enjoy seeing immediate results from their work or ideas.

They understand the word action.  Reds exhibit the qualities of honor, trustworthiness and practicality.  They have an explosive temper, which can be an emotional liability.  They want and need others in their lives.  Reds need to be cautious of the types of friendships they cultivate because of their difficulty expressing themselves if emotionally hurt.  Reds are intense and energetic living is their motto.  Reds need action to prove to them that they are living life to their fullest potential.  Reds are wonderful entrepreneurs and do best in their own businesses. They are initiators and pioneers.