Saturday, November 22, 2014

RED Personalities:

Reds pursue life with courage and passion.  Physical and sexual expression is important to them. They enjoy being on the planet and interacting with the physical environment.  They prefer a physical challenge rather than a mental or emotional one.  They are very down to earth and want to make things happen.  They are curious and enjoy seeing immediate results from their work or ideas.

They understand the word action.  Reds exhibit the qualities of honor, trustworthiness and practicality.  They have an explosive temper, which can be an emotional liability.  They want and need others in their lives.  Reds need to be cautious of the types of friendships they cultivate because of their difficulty expressing themselves if emotionally hurt.  Reds are intense and energetic living is their motto.  Reds need action to prove to them that they are living life to their fullest potential.  Reds are wonderful entrepreneurs and do best in their own businesses. They are initiators and pioneers.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wearing Color Therapy Glasses!

Color therapy glasses can be worn daily for 30 to 60 minutes.  Or you can war them as long as you like.  If you use a specific color for an acute condition, you could wear the color until the symptoms disappear.  You can focus on one specific problem and color, or you can wear as many colors as you would like each day.  Color therapy glasses can be worn whenever and wherever you wish, day or night.  Listen to your body.  We have an innate sense of what we need.  We instinctively are led or directed to the color we need, which feels good to us.  When it no longer feels right, we unconsciously quit wearing it.  Just like clothes.  Sometime, we just don’t want to wear the color green, or we really feel like wearing blue on a particular day.  Listen to your body, and your feelings.  Experiment with all the colors, learning how they affect you.  Try all of the glasses.  Each will probably affect you uniquely.  By playing with them (experimenting), you can unlock and uncover worlds of "knowingness".

Professional Color Therapy glasses can be purchased or you can make your own by purchasing stage and lighting gels putting them on card board and looking through them.

I have a friend who suffers from headaches, she finds great relief from the color therapy glasses, what is most interesting is sometimes she needs the red ones and other times she needs the indigo ones.  This tells me she either needs to increase or decrease blood flow.  What a wonderful solution to a headache.

For more information visit my website at

Have a colorful day

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Color Entering the Eyes!

There are many ways we can balance our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, I would like to share with you one of very simple way so let’s talk about....

One method of using color is by having it enter a person’s eyes.  Color entering the eyes is directed to the hypothalamus gland, then to the pineal gland, which directs it to the pituitary gland, which governs and regulates hormone production.  The brain processes this information, which causes cellular and hormonal changes to occur.  The frequency of the color is transmitted to the area of the body that recognizes the frequency.  The color’s vibration tunes into the corresponding area bringing it into synchronization with the color.  This brings the organ or gland back to its proper function.  While using color the body is functioning properly.  If used daily the body will relearn to function on its own, much the way physical therapy works.

Since each color corresponds to a specific area of the body, we need each color at different times in our lives!

Color is like Vitamins!
If you need green in your life, you wear green...and when you no longer need green energy, you won’t feel like wearing the green color energy glasses.  Just like if you have a zinc deficiency, you take zinc, you feel better, and then you don’t feel like taking zinc, probably because your zinc level is ok, now.

Wearing Color Therapy Glasses!
Color therapy glasses can be worn daily for 30 to 60 minutes.  Or you can war them as long as you like.  If you use a specific color for an acute condition, you could wear the color until the symptoms disappear.  You can focus on one specific problem and color, or you can wear as many colors as you would like each day.  Color therapy glasses can be worn whenever and wherever you wish, day or night.  Listen to your body.  We have an innate sense of what we need.  We instinctively are led or directed to the color we need, which feels good to us.  When it no longer feels right, we unconsciously quit wearing it.  Just like clothes.  Sometime, we just don’t want to wear the color green, or we really feel like wearing blue on a particular day.  Listen to your body, and your feelings.  Experiment with all the colors, learning how they affect you.  Try all of the glasses.  Each will probably affect you uniquely.  By playing with them (experimenting), you can unlock and uncover worlds of knowingness.

Professional Color Therapy glasses can be purchased or you can make your own by purchasing stage and lighting gels putting them on card board and looking through them.

I have a friend who suffers from headaches, she finds great relief from the color therapy glasses, what is most interesting is sometimes she needs the red ones and other times she needs the indigo ones.  This tells me she either needs to increase or decrease blood flow.  What a wonderful solution to a headache.  Have a colorful day

Monday, September 15, 2014

Essential Oils Can Relax the Heart

AROMA SIEZ (Relieves Headaches, TMJ, Sore Muscles, Stress, Muscle Spasms, & Relaxes Heart)

Relieves fatigue & stress, eases aching muscles from sports injuries. Relaxes cranial & heart arteries and muscles for increased circulation & relief of hypertension, headaches, excess worrying, TMJ & angina pains. Relieves tight, sore, tired & aching muscles from sports injuries, fatigue and stress.

Also relaxes cranial and heart arteries and muscles for increased circulation and relief of hypertension, headaches, TMJ and angina pains.  Marjoram, Basil, Cypress, and high-altitude Lavender angustifolia.  Apply direct to affected areas, or dilute in carrier oil or cream for wider application.  The oils in this blend also soothe digestive upsets or spasms (2 drops in bellybutton or on stomach).

Root Chakra & Adrenals release fears; ADHD Daily Wear, Alzheimer's Daily Support, Antispasmodic, Anxiety Relief, Cooperative Effort (ODD), Daily Wear both Sexes, Excess Worrying (OCD), Headaches, Heart and Nerve Support, Pain Relief, Sports Massage.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Healing the Cycles of Life through COLOR!

Coming to Metairie, Louisiana Sept 21, 2014 

Thank you to all the beautiful ladies that attended this class in 
Colorado Springs, Co you all made it an awesome experience, 
looking forward to sharing this class with folks in Metairie, LA

For class description see bottom of page

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

As an educator in the field of Chromatology (Color Therapy) my passion is to empower people, by assisting them to overcome their blocks through the utilization of COLOR therapy. 

Participants will learn the therapeutic value of color and its vibration, and explore the energy of color, its properties and how to support health and wellness through COLOR.  We will explore evaluating our own personal challenges as well as your client's using color, allowing us to make decisions about the use of color in our personal and professional lives.  

This class is excellent for, nurses, teachers, therapists, health care practitioners, parents and anyone who is looking to release any blocks that are holding them back from moving their life forward!

This Class is a hands on course that will change your life.  When you leave this class you will have a deeper understanding of your gifts as well as challenges and that of your family, friends, or clients.  

Class Date:   Sunday Sept 21, 2014 from noon to 6:00 pm
Location:  1708 Lake Ave., Metairie, LA 70005
Fee:  $150.00 ( a certificate will be issued upon completion of the class)

for those of you who have taken the class and 
would like to repeat it please call for discount

To register Call 
Donna Reis at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 (
Metaphysical Resource Center 504-708-8353 504-708-8353

I do not accept more than 10 students as I can give 
more individual assistance in a small class
if CEU's are needed please let me know

See below for Class information

Class Presentation:

Healing the Cycles of Life through COLOR
(Wholeness through the vibration of COLOR)

Evidence-based references used for developing this educational activity:

Dinshah Ghadiali (Let there be Light) 
Vicky Wall (Aura Development)
Homeopathic Psychology, Philip M. Bailey, M.D.
Chinese Medicine, Tom Williams Ph.D.
Holistic Aromatherapy, Ann Berwick
Reference Guide for Essential Oils completed by Connie and Alan Higley

1.     Participants will discuss the history of color by describing the effects of color on the seven major chakras which can be gifts or blocks for an individual or client.

Content for this objective:  
Participants will identify personal gifts and blocks for the emotional body through coloring 3 forms in class.  Lecture includes the history of color, what color is, color complements, how color works, color therapy and its benefits, and how color enters the body.

Teaching Methods:  
Experience a coloring activity to complete forms on self and a partner.  Power point lecture.

2.     Participants will list the developmental stages/growth years and describe the therapeutic influence of color on personal development and relationships.

Content for this objective: 
Participants will identify positive and challenging aspects of color during personal growth stages and relationships including recommendations on when to use color safely for environmental décor, clothing with clients using color with aromatherapy/essential oils, eye wear, food, light and water.

Teaching Methods:  
Power point lecture.  Experience trying on colored glasses, use color light kit and colored gels in class.

3.     Participants will describe personalities using color to identify positive or challenging aspects.

Content for this objective: 
Participants will discuss “colorful” personalities listing strengths and challenges of each and will describe and demonstrate the use of energy vibration of color in muscle testing/kinesiology to identify strengths and challenges for a client.

Teaching Methods:  
Lecture and power point. Demonstration of how to use color to muscle test another person.  Participate in an exchange with a partner for muscle testing and color evaluation of each other utilizing the original forms completed at the beginning of class.

This class or portions of it have been taught throughout the US.  The participating students have come from various walks of life and include professionals such as vibrational healers, medical doctors specializing in various fields of medicine, counselors, psychiatrists, teachers, parents and individuals looking to release emotional blocks.  Chinese medicine has established that if you address the emotional issues of the patient then you can prevent disease from manifesting in the physical body.  The purpose of this class is to allow the student to identify any emotional issues they have in a non-intrusive way.  Once the issues are identified, then participants can incorporate color therapy into their lives with the intention of releasing emotional blocks which will allow them to move their lives forward.  By creating a color balancing program for yourself or for your clients you WILL heal the cycles of your life through COLOR.

Class Facilitator:      Donna Reis, CNHP, Certified Chromatologist

Wishing you all a Colorful September!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Healing the Cycles of Life through COLOR!

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

As an educator in the field of Chromatology (Color Therapy) my passion is to empower people, by assisting them to overcome their blocks through the utilization of COLOR therapy.  I have taught this class through out the country, and will be teaching in Colorado Springs, Co on Wed Sept 3rd, 2014.  I will be in Colorado Springs for the anual Healing Touch Conference.  I will come in a day early to teach this class. 

Participants will learn the therapeutic value of color and its vibration, and explore the energy of color, its properties and how to support health and wellness through COLOR.  We will explore evaluating our own personal challenges as well as your client's using color, allowing us to make decisions about the use of color in our personal and professional lives.  

This class is excellent for, nurses, teachers, therapists, health care practitioners, parents and anyone who is looking to release any blocks that are holding them back from moving their life forward!

This Class is a hands on course that will change your life.  When you leave this class you will have a deeper understanding of your gifts as well as challenges and that of your family, friends, or clients.  

Class Date:   Wednesday Sept 3rd 2014 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pmLocation:  6738 Fowler Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80923Fee:  $150.00 ( a certificate will be issued upon completion of the class) To register Call Terry Orlikoski cell 702-420-0369 702-420-0369 ( or Donna Reis at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 (

I do not accept more than 10 students as I can give more individual assistance in a small class
if CEU's are needed please let me know.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Color & Aromatherapy


As color and its vibration is my passion I have color coded many different modalities, my intention to simplify these modalities by utilizing color.  Essential Oils (Aromatherapy) is a very complicated modality by color coding essential oils their purpose and application I believe this system makes the utilization of essential more user friendly.  I hope you find this information helpful, should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail I will answer you.

        Each essential oil has a vibration and each vibration relates to a COLOR!

        Essential oils concentrate the vital forces of the plant into a material. They are the most potent forms of herbal energy, having profound effects on the major functions of the body’s endocrine, digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Essential oils aid in the elimination of toxins from the entire body and some oils stimulate the regeneration of cells.

It was Dr Gattefossse who determined that essential oils, the aromatic substance in many flowers, trees, shrubs, herb's, bushes, roots, seeds, leaves, stems, and flowering petals, contained healing properties in its semi-oily resin.

“All plants evoke a certain color coordination,” says Thor Kaslof of Bach USA Inc., distributors of Bach flower remedies.  Bach was a London physician who developed natural remedies that relied on the medicinal power of flower essences.  He claimed that certain flowers had an energy wavelength in tune with the human energy field.  “Since color therapy is vibration medicine, it is believed to be related to Bach’s work,” says Kaslof.

According to Raphael J. d’Angelo, M.D. “Aromatic Medicine is the botanical medicine of the 21st Century”.  The purpose of Aromatic Medicine is to step back to the natural means of treating conditions with the use of nature’s resources, herbs, plants, berries, shrubs, vines, trees.  This practice is also recognized at aromatherapy, herbal medicine, medicinal flora…Aromatherapy uses the natural resources in a manner such as essential oils, flower essences, gem elixirs, salves and tinctures.

In the late 1800’s modern pharmaceuticals taught doctors to plant and process plants needed by the doctors.  Years back doctors were trained in medical botany.  It was through the gathering, drying, and processing of the herbs and plants that the medical communities learn the medicinal properties of botanicals.  It was in the early 1900’s when synthetic chemical medicines were introduced and the botanicals were soon ignored and schools stopped teaching and offering courses on botanical medicine.  As time and medical conditions have evolved that modern pharmaceuticals are not making the grade and the return to botanicals and the public is returning to complimentary alternative health care methods.  There are countries outside of the US who will have their medical communities prescribe essential oils to their patients and will send them to the pharmacist who will make these oils up in the manner that the physician prescribed.  These oils can be put into capsules and used for internal medication, they will be added to lotions for topical application, given in the form of a liquid which may be added to a glass of water, or to a beverage, placed in salves, tinctures and may even be given in a liquid form which can be misted into the air.

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

What is a 100% pure essential Oil?
How are Essential processed?
What does it mean when an Essential Oil is adulterated?
Can your nose tell you if an Essential Oil has been adulterated?

Essential oils will claim to be 100% pure.  Looking at the process of their preparation will often times expose if they are in reality 100% pure.  When you get an oil that is highly perfumed there is a good chance that this oil has had a fragrance added thus polluting or contaminating the purity of the oil.  When looking for therapeutic grade oil you will learn to smell them.  Compare the aromas with other oils which claim to be pure.  Your nose will tell you if there have been any adulterants added.  When doing the smell test keep in mind the normal fragrance of the plant, flower, or herb, how close does the essential oil compare to this fragrance.  Adulterated oils will not produce the quality of healing which may be achieved with 100% pure oils.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Let’s Talk About Colors and Auras & Aura Photography

First What is an Aura?

By definition the aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates all living things.

How Can Aura Photography Benefit You?

Aura Photography provides a visual image of how you are functioning mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Understanding the meanings and variations of the colors in your aura will give you a deeper insight into yourself.  This will help you become aware of your strengths and challenges so that you may progress forward in your quest for self-empowerment.

Before we Talk about the Colors in your Aura Let’s talk about Interpreting an Aura Photo
Using the guidelines below, together with the color interpretation, you will be able to interpret your photograph.

Left Side:  The color on the left side as you face the photo represents how you are expressing yourself, how others see you, and your career issues.  This is your masculine side.

Center:  The color over your head indicates your core issues.  What is going on within you.

Right Side:  The color on the right side as you face the photo is the vibration coming in.  It also represents your creative and feminine energy.  This color will move to the left generally within four to six weeks.

Now that we have learned a bit about the aura and aura photography let’s talk about the Colors in the Aura and what they represent.

What Do the Colors in your Aura Mean

Red    The word for this color is success.  Red represents the urge to achieve, to push yourself to the limits and live life in the fast lane.

More Colors to Come, hope you are enjoying learning more about your Auric field and the beautiful Colors that surround you.  These Colors are your own personal signature!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Have you found your Personality Color or Colors Yet?


BROWNS are of the earth.  They are made up of yellow, orange, and green.  They are Yellow for the warmth of the sun, orange for the depth of emotion and aliveness through the senses, and green for growth and healing.  BROWNS love is never push or overbearing, they are very nurturing.  They are present and ready to serve others as they are needed. 


WHITES have strength from its own power; that power that comes from divine love.  WHITES carry the Source of all power.  They carry the essence of unconditional love that is both personal and all encompassing.  They bring that unconditional love to everyone around them.  WHITES accept others without judgment. 

Let’s talk about your Character now that we have discussed possible Personality Colors
                        Controllers                                                               Analyzers
                        Red & Blue                                                         Yellow & Purple
  • Entrepreneurs                                                             ·      Scientists
  • Passionate                                                                  ·      Engineers
  • Driven                                                                         ·      Accountants
  • Pioneering                                                                   ·      Activists
  • Energetic                                                                     ·      CEO’s
  • Initiators          

These are the personalities that run Companies           These are the personalities that live in                                                                                                   their mind
                        Promoters                                                              Supporters
                    Orange & Blue                                                       Indigo & Green
  • Enthusiastic                                                                 ·      Perfectionists
  • Competitive                                                                 ·      Planners
  • Honest                                                                         ·     Organizers
  • Diplomats                                                                    ·     Environmentalists
  • Public Speakers                                                          ·     Visionaries                                   
  • Cosmetologists                                                           ·     Humanitarians     
  • Writers                                                                         ·     Surgeons
  • Musicians                                                                                                       
  • Athletes

These personalities are our honest promoters                       These personalities are our                                                                                                                     supporters

I do hope you have enjoyed learning about Color and their Personalities along with a bit about color and its Character.  Color is a subject that has many facets, from assisting with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to as you have experienced identifying our personality traits.  Hope you are enjoying your journey through Color with us.

Monday, July 14, 2014

What Do the Colors in your Aura Mean

Pink    A calm, quiet personality of sensitivity, creativity and deep emotion.  You give and receive lots of love and affection.
Coral  This is the color of reciprocal giving and represents a loving vibration.
Orange Creative and artistic would best describe you.  You are alive, artistic, perceptive and creative. People see you as up, happy, willing to work.  You like to get out and have fun.
Gold   Gold represents power, money and inner wisdom.  A color associated with abundance.
Yellow “Spontaneous and cheerful” would best describe you, with your warm and upbeat nature and fine intelligence.                  .
Olive Green  This color is associated with enlightened leadership and being in touch with both the feminine and masculine side of your nature.
Green Sensible, well-balanced and down to earth, you are strong, tenacious and abundant.
Turquoise    You are in touch with your emotions and able to express them to others well.  You have learned self-responsibility.
Blue Your calm and peaceful nature makes you welcome wherever you go.
As you can see Color affects many different areas of our lives from our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies to our auric fields. 
Remember you can change your life one COLOR at a Time!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Experts say that color can influence the decision of customers.  There are those that are denying the fact however there is a science behind colors in marketing.  Color plays an important psychological role in our lives and it is evident in every aspect.  When happy we react to certain colors more than when we are sad of feeling low.  There is a theory that when you are feeling low, wearing bright color clothing will be uplifting.

When we are running high on energy then soothing colors will suit us best as it provides balance.  There have been various experiments done to prove the relation between color and human psychology, which has been proven to carry some effect however still some professionals find it hard to believe.  In business it is a proven fact, when you want to influence the decision making power of customers, then certain colors will help you with this.  Why do you think some brands retain their logo color even when they are opting for change in other fields?  Could you image any color other than Red when speaking about Coca-Cola?  Red is an action color as well as a natural stimulate which is why it works so well for Coca-Cola (as well as McDonald’s) if Red was not working, the big cola brand would have changed the color right away.  Every color has a meaning of its own and it is very important that when putting together an advertising plan you decipher the meaning of each color in a way that will support your plan.  Color is helpful when deciding whether something is meant for men or women.  It has been long established that generally pink is associated with girls and blue with boys.  Those who have been denying the science behind the color would also agree with this basic color diversification. We are so used to viewing colors around us that we don’t even bother to look into the fact of how it is affecting our decision making powers.  If you take a closer look at the events then you will notice that certain colors really help in calming us down.

Here are some examples of Emotions and Colors used by various businesses:

Yellow: promotes optimism, clarity and warmth.  Yellow is used by Nikon, Pennz oil, Best Buy, Hertz and McDonald’s  to name a few.
Orange: is friendly, cheerful, and confidence.  Orange is used by Hooters, Payless, UPS, Harley Davidson, and the Texas Long Horns to name a few
Red: is excitement, bold and youthful.  Red is used by Exxon, Avis, K Mart, Kelloggs,  Avis, Target and McDonalds to name a few.  Red and Orange are natural appetite stimulates which is why so many fast food restaurants use these two colors.
Lavender: is creative, wise and imaginative.  Pale Purple or Lavender are used by Barbie, Hallmark, Taco Bell, and Syfy again to name a few
Blue: Is trust, strength and dependable.  Blue is used by Dell, JP Morgan, Lowes, HP, facebook, IBM and wal mart just to name a few.
Green: Is health, growth and peaceful.  Green is whole foods, Tropicana, animal planet, and starbucks to name a few.

Off White: Is neutral, calm and balance.  Off White is Honda, puma, golf, and abc to name a few.
One of our strongest senses is Visual
The next time you are out in the market just pay attention to your buying habits and you will realize that there are seve4ral products that you are buying just because you a were attracted towards the color of the package.  Almost 90% of the purchasing decision is made by the color only.  For businesses that have never paid much attention to emphasizing colors they must now look into the matter seriously and see what will be the best floor that will suit them!  If you are still not sure then just check yourself out, how many industries you can identify just by the colors they use.

By going deep into the colors you will understand the meaning of each of them distinctly.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

COLOR the days of your Week

Monday is usually a bit challenging as we are headed back to work.  Many folks do not want the week-end to end.  Let's embrace the vibration of RED to start our week, as RED promotes passion and will assist us with positive physical energy.

Now how about Tuesday and a little MAGENTA which will promote spiritual integrity and divine love.

We have now reached Wednesday which is often referred to as hump day, so how about a bit of PURPLE relax and embrace your favorite hobby, as PURPLE assists us with our creative hobbies.

Thursday has arrived it is almost Friday.  In astrology Thursday is ruled by the planet of abundance Jupiter, so let's embrace BLUE, let's speak up and speak out for what we want.

Friday is here a great day for YELLOW, that's right bring in the sunshine of life, get clear on how you want to spend your week-end time.

Saturday time to run our errands, enjoy sporting events with our families, work in our gardens and decide which chores we need to get out of the way.  Wonderful day for GREEN which promotes balance, healing, growth and decision making.

Sunday most definitely an ORANGE day time for family fun, enjoying our friends at social gatherings, and that wonderful Sunday dinner.  Yes ORANGE even makes cooking fun.

If you would like to have a personal COLOR (Reading) Session with Donna please visit  This is very helpful in discovering what may be holding you back as well as how to enhance your gifts.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at or call me at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!

Wishing you all a Colorful Week

Monday, May 12, 2014

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

As an educator in the field of Chromatology (Color Therapy) my passion is to empower people, by assisting them to overcome their blocks through the utilization of COLOR therapy.  I have taught this class through out the country, and will be teaching in Ft Worth, Texas on Sat May 29, 2014.

Participants will learn the therapeutic value of color and its vibration, and explore the energy of color, its properties and how to support health and wellness through COLOR.  We will explore evaluating our own personal challenges as well as our client's using color, allowing us to make decisions about the use of color in our personal and professional lives.

This class is excellent for, nurses, teachers, therapists, health care practitioners, parents and anyone who is looking to release any blocks that are holding them back from moving their life forward!

This Class is a hands on course that will change your life.  When you leave this class you will have a deeper understand of your gifts as well as challenges and that of your family, friends, or clients.

Class Date:   Saturday May 24th 2014 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location:  7324 Silver Sage Dr., Ft Worth, Texas 76137
Fee:  $120.00 ( a certificate will be issued upon completion of the class)
Please call 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 to register
I do not accept more than 8 students as I can give
more individual assistance in a small class

For those of you who would like to take this class but are not in the Ft Worth area, if you and a friend or colleague would like to take the class you may join us through SKYPE.  As we do hands on work it requires that you have a partner to work with in the class.

To learn more about this class please visit

Go to the bottom right of the page and click on Rainbow within this will give you more information of the class

Friday, April 25, 2014

Blue Light

Obesity is a nationwide problem, with adults as well as children; this is due to the eating habits of Americans however in spite of the economy people will always spend money on diet aids.  The truth is that you must change your lifestyle to lose and maintain a healthy weight.  By incorporating the DietLight into your life this will help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Now Some Blue Color Fact

Of all the colors in the spectrum, Blue is an Appetitive Suppressant.  Weight lose plans suggest putting your food on a blue plate to assist in depressing your appetitive.  Remember the old “blue plate specials”, smaller portions, less expensive, and the customer left feeling satisfied, thanks to the color blue.  Eating in blue does make you eat less and now image you can now put a Blue DietLight in your Refrigerator and Watch your Munchies Disappear.   Blue is a cold electric color and when used in color therapy it has the quality of shrinking growths.  Use Blue to shrink those unwanted pounds away, and keep them off; leave that Blue DietLight in your refrigerator, keep those pounds off permanently!

Our Dietlight was featured in Prevention Magazine, featured on NBC 5 with Elsa Ramon and Jan Pauley.

Do you Overeat?

Obesity is a nationwide problem, with adults as well as children; this is due to the eating habits of Americans.  The truth is that you must change your lifestyle to lose and maintain a healthy weight.  By incorporating the Dietlight program into your life this will help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

The Dietlight program combines Color, Light and Hypnotherapy to give you a safe healthy way to lose weight and change your eating habits.  This program can help you to lose weight and keep those pounds off.
What is Color & Light Therapy?

Color & Light Therapy is simple.  It consists of applied colored or colors and their vibrations to heal.  The eyes convert light (color) into a kind of energy, which travels through our nervous system, and affects all body functions.  Studies have shown that when color is introduced to the human system it causes cellular and hormonal changes.  This can bring the cells into synchronization or balance.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness.  Many people have found Hypnosis to be a positive answer and solution to problems that may once have dominated their lives.  It is suggested that this therapy be used to enhance the power of suggestion.  Hypnosis has been found effective for a variety of problems that hinge on emotions, habits, and even the body’s involuntary responses.  It won’t cure underlying physical disorders such as caner, heart disease, or infection, but it can relieve virtually all types of pain, no matter what the source—including the pain of surgery.  It is also helpful against anxiety, tension, depression, phobias, can help break an addiction to smoking, alcohol, or drugs.  Hypnosis has been successful in alleviating an amazing range of symptoms including those of asthma, allergy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy and irritable bowel syndrome.  Hypnosis has many people lose weight.

Of all the colors in the spectrum, blue is an appetitive suppressant.  Weight lose plans suggest putting your food on a blue plate to assist in depressing your appetitive.  Remember the old “blue plate specials” smaller portions, less expensive, and the customer left feeling satisfied, thanks to the color blue.  Eating in blue does make you eat less and now you can put a Blue Dietlight in your refrigerator and watch your munchies disappear.  Blue is a cold electric color and when used in color therapy it has the qualify of shrinking growths.  Use Blue to shrink those unwanted pounds away., and keep them off; leave that Blue Dietlight inn your refrigerator, keep those pounds off permanently!

A Blue appliance bulb is recommend in many different weight loss programs.  Research has shown that blue light naturally suppresses the appetitive.  Additionally, the Harvard Business School found that blue light promoted positive decision making, and strengthened resolve.
Combing the Blue Dietlight uses the principles of Color Therapy to effect the body and mind.  The Hypnosis CD “Hypnotic Meditations to Create Weight Loss Success” is the first hypnotic weight loss CD to use Blue Light as the trigger for your weight programs success!  This combination will assist you in making more appropriate food choices and is designed to strengthen your willpower.

Bathing Suit Season

Bathing suit season is almost here time to get in shape and enjoy the sun.  First we must shed those extra pounds. What if you could combine COLOR Therapy and Hypnosis to achieve your ideal weight, well you can. Simply put the BLUE DietLight in Your Refrigerator and listen to the DietLight Hypnotic CD once a day, achieve your ideal weight.

For more information on how the color BLUE can assist you with achieving your ideal weight please visit

If you have any questions please e-mail me at or call me at 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!

Be sure and visit our new web site at   This is an exciting opportunity as you can learn techniques in COLOR Therapy at your convenience, in the comfort of your home, and replay them anytime you want what a win win.

Wishing you all a Colorful Week

COLOR that describes our personality

Did you know that we each have a specific COLOR that describes our personality.  You could be a pioneering RED, a stable BROWN, a BLUE who is successful honest politician, intuitive PURPLE, a loving PINK, are a creative ORANGE just to name a few personalities.  Besides our base or core personality color we have our overlays colors.  Our core color and overlay colors make us the beautiful and unique individuals that we are.  It can be empowering discovering your personality colors, they can answer many questions, allowing us to embrace our strengths and overcome our challenges.
For more information please visit
If you have any questions please e-mail me at or call me at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!
I would like to invite you all to visit our new web site at   we have our first series of classes available digitally for you.  This is an exciting opportunity as you can learn techniques in
Color Therapy at your convenience in your own home.
Wishing you all a Colorful Week-End