Monday, July 14, 2014

What Do the Colors in your Aura Mean

Pink    A calm, quiet personality of sensitivity, creativity and deep emotion.  You give and receive lots of love and affection.
Coral  This is the color of reciprocal giving and represents a loving vibration.
Orange Creative and artistic would best describe you.  You are alive, artistic, perceptive and creative. People see you as up, happy, willing to work.  You like to get out and have fun.
Gold   Gold represents power, money and inner wisdom.  A color associated with abundance.
Yellow “Spontaneous and cheerful” would best describe you, with your warm and upbeat nature and fine intelligence.                  .
Olive Green  This color is associated with enlightened leadership and being in touch with both the feminine and masculine side of your nature.
Green Sensible, well-balanced and down to earth, you are strong, tenacious and abundant.
Turquoise    You are in touch with your emotions and able to express them to others well.  You have learned self-responsibility.
Blue Your calm and peaceful nature makes you welcome wherever you go.
As you can see Color affects many different areas of our lives from our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies to our auric fields. 
Remember you can change your life one COLOR at a Time!

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