Did you know that we each have a specific COLOR that describes our personality. You could be a pioneering RED, a stable BROWN, a BLUE who is successful honest politician, intuitive PURPLE, a loving PINK, are a creative ORANGE just to name a few personalities. Besides our base or core personality color we have our overlays colors. Our core color and overlay colors make us the beautiful and unique individuals that we are. It can be empowering discovering your personality colors, they can answer many questions, allowing us to embrace our strengths and overcome our challenges.
For more information please visit http://mycolorvision.com/know-your-personality
If you have any questions please e-mail me at donna@mycolorvision.com or call me at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 I will be most happy to answer any questions, COLOR is my passion!
I would like to invite you all to visit our new web site at http://love-your-life-now.com we have our first series of classes available digitally for you. This is an exciting opportunity as you can learn techniques in
Color Therapy at your convenience in your own home.
Wishing you all a Colorful Week-End