Sunday, August 24, 2014

Healing the Cycles of Life through COLOR!

COLOR has an extraordinary and powerful effect on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

As an educator in the field of Chromatology (Color Therapy) my passion is to empower people, by assisting them to overcome their blocks through the utilization of COLOR therapy.  I have taught this class through out the country, and will be teaching in Colorado Springs, Co on Wed Sept 3rd, 2014.  I will be in Colorado Springs for the anual Healing Touch Conference.  I will come in a day early to teach this class. 

Participants will learn the therapeutic value of color and its vibration, and explore the energy of color, its properties and how to support health and wellness through COLOR.  We will explore evaluating our own personal challenges as well as your client's using color, allowing us to make decisions about the use of color in our personal and professional lives.  

This class is excellent for, nurses, teachers, therapists, health care practitioners, parents and anyone who is looking to release any blocks that are holding them back from moving their life forward!

This Class is a hands on course that will change your life.  When you leave this class you will have a deeper understanding of your gifts as well as challenges and that of your family, friends, or clients.  

Class Date:   Wednesday Sept 3rd 2014 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pmLocation:  6738 Fowler Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80923Fee:  $150.00 ( a certificate will be issued upon completion of the class) To register Call Terry Orlikoski cell 702-420-0369 702-420-0369 ( or Donna Reis at 817-788-9451 817-788-9451 (

I do not accept more than 10 students as I can give more individual assistance in a small class
if CEU's are needed please let me know.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Color & Aromatherapy


As color and its vibration is my passion I have color coded many different modalities, my intention to simplify these modalities by utilizing color.  Essential Oils (Aromatherapy) is a very complicated modality by color coding essential oils their purpose and application I believe this system makes the utilization of essential more user friendly.  I hope you find this information helpful, should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail I will answer you.

        Each essential oil has a vibration and each vibration relates to a COLOR!

        Essential oils concentrate the vital forces of the plant into a material. They are the most potent forms of herbal energy, having profound effects on the major functions of the body’s endocrine, digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Essential oils aid in the elimination of toxins from the entire body and some oils stimulate the regeneration of cells.

It was Dr Gattefossse who determined that essential oils, the aromatic substance in many flowers, trees, shrubs, herb's, bushes, roots, seeds, leaves, stems, and flowering petals, contained healing properties in its semi-oily resin.

“All plants evoke a certain color coordination,” says Thor Kaslof of Bach USA Inc., distributors of Bach flower remedies.  Bach was a London physician who developed natural remedies that relied on the medicinal power of flower essences.  He claimed that certain flowers had an energy wavelength in tune with the human energy field.  “Since color therapy is vibration medicine, it is believed to be related to Bach’s work,” says Kaslof.

According to Raphael J. d’Angelo, M.D. “Aromatic Medicine is the botanical medicine of the 21st Century”.  The purpose of Aromatic Medicine is to step back to the natural means of treating conditions with the use of nature’s resources, herbs, plants, berries, shrubs, vines, trees.  This practice is also recognized at aromatherapy, herbal medicine, medicinal flora…Aromatherapy uses the natural resources in a manner such as essential oils, flower essences, gem elixirs, salves and tinctures.

In the late 1800’s modern pharmaceuticals taught doctors to plant and process plants needed by the doctors.  Years back doctors were trained in medical botany.  It was through the gathering, drying, and processing of the herbs and plants that the medical communities learn the medicinal properties of botanicals.  It was in the early 1900’s when synthetic chemical medicines were introduced and the botanicals were soon ignored and schools stopped teaching and offering courses on botanical medicine.  As time and medical conditions have evolved that modern pharmaceuticals are not making the grade and the return to botanicals and the public is returning to complimentary alternative health care methods.  There are countries outside of the US who will have their medical communities prescribe essential oils to their patients and will send them to the pharmacist who will make these oils up in the manner that the physician prescribed.  These oils can be put into capsules and used for internal medication, they will be added to lotions for topical application, given in the form of a liquid which may be added to a glass of water, or to a beverage, placed in salves, tinctures and may even be given in a liquid form which can be misted into the air.

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

What is a 100% pure essential Oil?
How are Essential processed?
What does it mean when an Essential Oil is adulterated?
Can your nose tell you if an Essential Oil has been adulterated?

Essential oils will claim to be 100% pure.  Looking at the process of their preparation will often times expose if they are in reality 100% pure.  When you get an oil that is highly perfumed there is a good chance that this oil has had a fragrance added thus polluting or contaminating the purity of the oil.  When looking for therapeutic grade oil you will learn to smell them.  Compare the aromas with other oils which claim to be pure.  Your nose will tell you if there have been any adulterants added.  When doing the smell test keep in mind the normal fragrance of the plant, flower, or herb, how close does the essential oil compare to this fragrance.  Adulterated oils will not produce the quality of healing which may be achieved with 100% pure oils.